Liz employed at the Star Hotel in London

In this module you will find a story about the tourism industry: read the dialogue between the characters and choose which is the correct way to behave in each situation!

Liz, has Down syndrome and she is able to read and she is quite good at communicating. She is hired as an intern to train as housekeeping staff at Star hotel in London.

Helen, the housekeeping manager, who has had a disability awareness training in the past, has to train Liz. She understands that Liz needs clear guidance and detailed information and explanations.

Helen (Housekeeping manager): Liz, I think a good task for you is to prepare the guest rooms before a new guest comes in and make sure that everything is clean, tidy and in place, according to our protocols. I will train you for this.

Shall we go together to a guestroom to show you what I mean and start your training?

Liz: Yes, I wouId like to do this.

Helen and Liz go to a guest room which has to be cleaned for the next guest. Helen has a list with all the things to be done and goes through it by showing it to Liz, one by one, and explaining in detail what to do.

Liz is following very carefully and seems to understand everything quite well. The training is repeated several times, with Liz doing the tasks. Liz seems to be quite happy to start her job.

The first day of Liz working on the job, Helen checks the room which Liz has cleaned and prepared for the next guest. She has done quite well but has missed out 2 things: she has not checked under the bed where she finds a pair of slippers and no tea bags and coffee have been added to the tea making table.

What should Helen have done in this situation?

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